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PPP applications are now available for businesses that have not already received a previous loan. If you want to apply for a second PPP loan, the application opens on Weds, Jan 13.

NYC Department of Small Business Services today announced Fair Share NYC, a targeted campaign to connect small business owners to federal relief funds including the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) Advance. Participants can access: 

  • Daily webinars to review the PPP and EIDL Advance programs and how to apply 
  • One-on-one assistance to find the best financing option for your business and get help filling out the application  
  • Connections to PPP lenders 
  • Information about additional SBA Resources that can help your business 

Learn more and get the assistance you need by visiting nyc.gov/ppp.  

Please note that this information is subject to change frequently, so check the SBA's website for additional information. 
COVID Rent Relief Program will provide eligible households with a one-time rental subsidy that will be sent directly to the household’s landlord. Applicants will not need to repay this assistance.

COVID租金減免計劃將為符合條件的家庭提供一次性租金補貼,該補貼將直接發送給該家庭的房東。申請人無需償還該援助。More Info

New York Forward Loan Fund provides working capital loans so that small businesses, nonprofits and small residential landlords have access to credit as they reopen. These loans are available to small businesses and nonprofits that did not receive a U.S. Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program of greater than $50,000 or an Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) for COVID-19 of any amount, except for EIDL advance grant of up to $10,000, and small residential landlords. The loans are not forgivable in part or whole. The loans will need to be paid back over a 5-year term with interest.

紐約遠期貸款基金提供營運資金貸款,以便小型企業,非營利組織和小型 住宅業主在重新開放時可以獲得信貸。 這些貸款適用於未獲得美國小型企業管理局薪資保護計劃超過50,000美元或任何金額的COVID-19的經濟傷害災難貸款(EIDL)的小型企業和非營 利組織,但EIDL預付款最高不超過50,000美元。 10,000美元,以及小型住宅業主。 貸款不可部分或全部免除。 貸款需要在5年的期限內償還利息。More Info

Raising the NYS Bar Restaurant Recovery Fund offers ​approximately $3 million in reimbursement grants for up to $5,000 to eligible businesses. The program is intended to support full-service restaurants – the industry hit hardest by the pandemic – during the winter months when outdoor dining is limited and as restaurants adjust to New York State’s COVID-19 safety restrictions and new mandates.

籌集紐約州酒吧餐廳恢復基金向符合條件的企業提供約300萬美元的報銷贈款,最高可達5,000美元。 該計劃旨在在冬季戶外用餐受限且餐館適應紐約州的COVID-19安全限制和新規定的情況下,為全服務餐廳提供支持,該行業是大流行病最嚴重的行業。More Info
Governor Cuomo Announces Additional New Yorkers, Individuals 75 and Older Can Begin Scheduling with Providers COVID-19 Vaccination Appointments
  • The Initial Groups of Phase 1b Now Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccine Include Individuals 75 and Older, First Responders, Corrections Officers, Teachers and Other School Staff; In-Person College Instructors, Childcare Workers, Public Facing Grocery Store Workers, Transit Workers and Individuals Living and Working in Homeless Shelters
  • Vaccine Administrations to Begin at Hundreds of New Sites This Week As Part Of New York's Newly Expanded Vaccine Distribution Network
  • Due to Limited Federal Distribution of Vaccine Supply All New Yorkers are Encouraged to Remain Patient When Scheduling Appointments 
  • Appointments Could Take Up to 14 Weeks Due to Limited Federal Allocation
  • Click Here to Determine Eligibility and Schedule Appointments with Administrating Providers

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Important Health Info
COVID Alert NY is a voluntary, anonymous, exposure-notification smartphone app. You will get an alert if you were in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. Knowing about a potential exposure allows you to self-quarantine immediately, get tested and reduce the potential exposure risk to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and others.

  • Seasonal Flu / 季节性流感(流感- As the flu and COVID-19 will likely circulate at the same time this season, getting a flu vaccine is more important than ever. 由于流感和 2019 冠状病毒病 (COVID-19) 在本季节可能同时流行,因此接种流感疫苗就比以往任何时候都更为重要。https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/flu-seasonal.page
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